This Year In Jerusalem
Well, The City has so many facets one wonders where to attempt to catch any part of it's significance. Thousands of years of history compacted into a bustling modern city where new archaeological finds are cropping up constantly.
The Old City from the Mt of Olives
Now zoomed in some on the Eastern (Golden) Gate. Muslims many centuries ago buried their own dead in front of this gate to the dismay of Jewish folks.
The Old City from the Mt of Olives
Now zoomed in some on the Eastern (Golden) Gate. Muslims many centuries ago buried their own dead in front of this gate to the dismay of Jewish folks.
Jewish Cemetery in the forefront
Jewish Cemetery also to the left. Some want to buried as close to the Eastern Gate as possible since it is prophesied the Lord will return through this gate first.
Now we walked down in front of the Golden Gate which was walled in by the Muslims in 810, reopened by the Crusaders it was closed by Saladin after regaining Jerusalem in 1187. Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent rebuilt it together with the city walls, but walled up again in 1541, and it stayed that way (wikipedia).
The Church of All Nations opened in 1924 from donations by 12 countries
It sports a modern organ
The Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus agonized and prayed before his arrest
Olive trees will not die unless the roots are removed also
This one is estimated to be over a 1,100 years old
The Upper Room - Jesus last meal and Communion with the disciples
King Davids tomb -wonder if people will come to see mine after 2 or 3,000 years?
(very likely not the correct one -as our guide has said-"Don't spoil a good story with the facts")
Must have a harp with King David - of course
The Dung Gate probably named after the residue from the Jewish
Temple discarded into the Valley of Hinnom
A defensive slot in case invaders made it past the main gate for archers
The "hole" at the bottom added later for firearms
Made some friends with a group of Jewish youth in The Old City
Bagels in Jerusalem, Yummy!
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