Ferry, Friends, and a BIG Dam

  Well, we had a bit of fun on Friday. Driving North along a reservoir arrived at the ferry. About a mile trip across and then headed South. Ended up in Grand Forks BC which  is almost on the US Border. Wayne and Diana Borthwick welcomed us.
   Wayne works with us as an electronics engineer designing antennas, transmitters, links and the rest of stations to broadcast to indigenous groups in South  Anerica. AM and Shortwave covers various area in Peru and Columbia. The local folks are trained to provide scripture with programming which also includes weather and public service announcements to these folks living in the far flung jungles. The Bible is changing peoples by changing their hearts. Bingo! Not the killing and cannibalism of the past. Wow! Isn't that wonderful!
Wayne, Diana with Judy and Pastor Henry Klassen
This morning we attended a very nice service at Gospel Chapel in Grand Forks. Lunch with these folks was delightful. They just happen to have attended Prairie Bible College with Edna's sister and brother-in-law: Terry and Martha Major

Wayne has an unannounced expertise: Cooking!
He made a mean chocolate cake and frosting

Yesterday we drove across the border to the Grand Coulee Dam. What a huge pproject from the 1930's. The engineering is amazing.
  Aerial photo: Grand Coulee
This is just one of the huge generators being installed
Today's view. The dam created a 150 mile long lake that backs up to the Canadian border.
Sweet Cherries and other fruit grown in the area. We bought some and had a great feast. They are irrigated. Bumper crop this year.


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