Lewis and Clark Expedition -Missouri Interpretive Center

  This Expedition was commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson shortly after the Louisiana Purchase in 1903. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were the primary explorers which took place in 1904-1906. Many were the dangers and challenges. Thirty-three people made up the party and various boats and canoes were utilized. Here are a few photos seen at the Lewis and Clark Museum in Missouri.  They were the first white people to be able to cross the Rocky Mountains and document the west coast.

   Sails were used some when wind was available. They rowed and also pulled their boats along the river banks with ropes.

President Thomas Jefferson tasked them to accurately detail the plants, animals, fish, birds, and  reptiles along with the Native American peoples they found along their route. 

A painting from the notes they kept.

The sextant allowed them to accurately provide positions and distances even though lots of dead reckoning was utilized also. 

Map of Lewis and Clark's expedition: It changed mapping of northwest America by providing the first accurate depiction of the relationship of the sources of the Columbia and Missouri Rivers, and the Rocky Mountains around 1814. They discovered the Great West that God made for us to enjoy today.
(This copied from Wikipedia)


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